Saturday, November 30, 2013

Soft and puffy phulkas

I was doing a lot of research and experimentation to get the right phulka and finally I got the magic recipe! I must say that I got it from one of those Youtube videos. Anyways, here is my experience which is worth a try.

  • Wheat flour
  • Warm water - 2/3 of a small cup
  • Milk - 1/3 of a small cup
  • Salt
  • Oil - 1 tspn
  • Melted Ghee (butter)

Usually we make the chappathi dough using wheat flour and water. Here is what I did for the phulkas.
  • Take some warm water and add little milk and 1 tsp oil to it. Use this for making the dough instead of plain water.
  • You can add a pinch of salt too. This is optional.
  • Kneading the dough untill it becomes super soft is very much important. Otherwise you will not get the best results.
  • Keep the dough closed using a lid at least for 15mins before you start rolling the rotis.
  • Make a tube form out of the dough. Cut it into small pieces and then start rolling.

  • Once the dough is ready, make small balls which are of a lemon's size or slightly bigger but not too big.
  • Roll the dough balls to make thin rotis and not thick. Also dust away any additional flour which is sticking to the roti.

  • Now heat a tava at high flame.
  • Once the tava is heated, you can put the rolled rotis. 
  • Once small bubbles start appearing on the rotis, flip them in the tava.

  • Once the other side also gets the tiny bubbles, take the rotis from the tava and put it directly on the flame. You can also use a mesh and put it on top it it.
  • You can see that the rotis has puffed up. 

  • As soon as it puffs up, quickly flip it using a tong and show it in the flame for just a few seconds. Be careful not to burn it into a papad in the flame!

  • Transfer the phulka into a plate immediately.
  • Pour a tea spn of melted ghee on top of the phulka.
Garam garam phulka is ready to be served with a spicy sabzi!

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