Sunday, January 26, 2014

Pesto Pasta

I always used to think that pastas are very hard to make. Then I had this super tasty Pesto pasta in Goa and I decided to nail this Italian recipe. All thanks to my hubby for getting me the right recipe and I realized it is so easy to make this awesome dish.

Time taken: 30 mins


  • Spaghetti pasta
  • Mushrooms - 5-6
  • Olive oil
  • Garlic cloves - 3
  • Pesto sauce
    • Basil
    • Parmesan cheese
    • Walnut
    • Cashews
    • Almonds
    • Pepper seeds
    • Salt
    • Olive oil - 5-6 spoons

  • Soak almonds and cashews in water for 2 hours. After 2 hours, drain out the water.
  • Take a big cooking pan and boil water.
  • Once water starts to boil, add 1 spoon of salt and 1 spoon olive oil.
  • Slowly add the pasta into the pan, close it with a lid and cook in high flame for 10 mins.

  • Grind all the ingredients mentioned for pesto sauce in a mixer grinder. Make a very fine paste.

  • Once the pasta has cooked well, transfer it to a vessel and drain out the hot water and fill normal/ cold water. This will stop the pasta from getting cooked further.

  • Keep the cooking pan back to medium flame and add 2 spoons of olive oil.
  • Toss the chopped mushrooms and 3 garlic cloves and saute for 3 mins.

  • Add the pesto sauce and stir till the pesto sauce turns dark green. This will take 2-3 mins.

  • Drain out water from pasta and transfer it to the cooking pan. Mix well, close with a lid and cook for 2-3 mins.

  • Pesto pasta is ready now!

You can make pesto sauce and store it in refrigerator so that you can make this quick and yummy pasta anytime.

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