Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Apple Kheer / Apple Pudding

Kheer or Payasam as it is called differently in different parts of India is rice pudding. Here is our very own kheer with an apple twist to it.


  • Apples - 2
  • Dates - 4-5
  • Cooked rice in water-milk - 1/2 cup (I have used basmati rice here. 50-50 water-milk used for cooking rice)
  • Milk with saffron induced - 1 big cup
  • Raw brown sugar - 1 cup
  • Cashews
  • Almonds
  • Cinnamon stick
  • Cardamoms

  • Cut the apples and cook them in saffron induced milk till the apples become soft. 

  • Add sugar, cinnamon stick and crushed cardamoms and stir well.
  • Add the cooked rice, stir well and cook it with a closed lid for 10 mins.
  • Add more sugar if needed. Turn off the flame once it is cooked.
  • Garnish with dates, cashews and almonds.

There you go. Apple pudding is ready to eat. This one totally fits my bill. It is Simple, Healthy and Elegant!

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