Saturday, December 7, 2013

How to make Appam?

Now that appam batter is ready (see previous post), this is how you can make soft and puffy appams.

What you need? A non-stick appam pan and a grilling rod to remove the appams from the pan.


  • Mix the batter very well and make sure that it is neither too thick nor too thin.
  • Heat the pan in high flame.
  • Pour the batter to the center of the pan.

  • Now take the pan by the handle and tilt it slightly and do a complete circle to get the batter like this. So the outer layer will be thin and the center of the appam will be thick.

  • Close the pan with the lid and let it stay for 5mins. 

  • After 5 mins, appam is ready and can be removed using a grilling rod or anything similar to it.

Soft and puffy appams are ready to jump on!

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