Saturday, December 7, 2013

Light and tasty Appam Stew

Soft and light appams are complimented by light and tasty Stew which is rich in coconut milk. This light and non-spicy curry is loved by all!


  • Carrot - 1
  • Potato - 1
  • Fresh Green peas - washed and soaked for 10 mins in water
  • French beans - 6-7
  • Onion - 1
  • Green chilly - 4 (slit and not chopped)
  • Crushed ginger and garlic
  • Cardamom - 3
  • Cinnamon - 1 stick
  • Cloves - 3
  • Pepper powder - 1 spoon
  • Salt
  • Ghee/ Butter
  • Thick coconut milk - 1 cup
  • Thin coconut milk - 1 cup  (I have mixed water to the thick coconut milk to make it thin. Coconut milk: water ratio - 3:1)


  • Take a frying pan and heat. Add ghee/ butter and wait till it melts.
  • Add chopped onions and saute well till it becomes very light and transparent.
  • Add the slit green chilies, crushed ginger-garlic and saute well.
  • Add cinnamon, crushed cardamoms and cloves and saute well.
  • Add the chopped vegetables and saute well.
  • Add pepper powder, salt and stir well.
  • Add the thin coconut milk, stir well, close and let it simmer for 10 mins.

  • Add the thick coconut milk, stir well and let it cook for another 5 mins.
  • Garnish with fried curry leaves.
This super light, non-spicy and mouth-watering curry is ready to be tasted with appams!

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